Dorm life. I miss it. Last year at about this time i was awaiting approval from the dean's office in order to me to move off-campus. rumor had it that they were planning on changing the minimal off-campus age to 23. If that happened, i was ready with a speech for them with all the reasons why i should not have to live on-campus. NOW, i am all prepared with a speech for anyone who desires to move off-campus.
Living off campus is over-rated. You actually do not save much money, and all the time you think you may have to have friends over, etc. is actually a myth. Watching tv is allegedly a major reason for people wanting to move off-campus. while this was not a motivation for me, understand that you probably wont have time to watch much tv because you will be doing one of the following: grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, homework, ministry, or trying to keep up with your on-campus friends.
So please. take my advice. stay on-campus. milk it for all its worth. go to every meal (you pay for them!) stay up late and talk with your roomies. cherish the laughter in the halls, the burnt popcorn smell, the extra-long dorm devotions, the visitors, and the 5 minute walk to class. Enjoy the bubble. because once you are out in the real world, things are never the same.
Dont get me wrong. i am not by any means discontent with where i am. i love my apartment, my landlords, the responsibility, and the ability to let my friends have an escape from the bubble. BUT, if you are considering the off-campus movement. abstain. procrastinate. avoid. do whatever you have to do, and just feed off of your friends who already live off-campus. they will love to socialize with you!