God's Grace in My Life

this is a site where you can learn about random, weird, and crazy things that can happen in a girl's life as well as how God uses all of these things to bring honor and glory to him

April 25, 2006


Pranks. They are so fun - usually harmless.
Below are some "house" pranks - leave a comment if you know of any other good ones!
1. Toilet-papering (it's a classic!)
2. Newspapering (great for cars!)
3. Forking. (where you put tons of plastic forks into someones lawn)
4. Tree-ing (where you pile used Christmas trees into a person's lawn)
5. Trash collecting. (on big trash day you collect from one neighbor and put all the good stuff on another person's curb...rearrange in a funny fashion...see how high you can get it stacked!)
6. Egging.
7. Selling a person's house.

Any other good ones? I can honestly say that i have never done any of these. i am not sure that i ever would. i think that pranks are a form of affection. for instance, if i were the pranker, i would make sure that i picked someone that was light-hearted enough to handle it. someone that i knew would smile and go on his way. HARMLESS pranks are fun, but must be in moderation:)

April 23, 2006


Well, it's coming to the end of the semester, and Bob will be moving out of the apartment:( He is a great brother, and i have loved living with him, but he misses the dorm atmosphere and the guys therein - so back on campus he moveth. It will be sad to see him go...although, it's not like we spend much time in the apartment anyway! He has a wonderful job lined up for the summer - yeah bob! I am so proud of him - i look up to him (literally and figuratively). He has taught me a lot and i love him tons!


So this is a topic that i have been mulling around in my head for about a week or so. It began when someone i know did something minorly stupid. I laughed and said "i thought it was funny". (trying to be lighthearted and all) the person then replied with, "yeah-well, you're not living my life right now."
The more i think about that mindset - the thought that you cant laugh about something because your life is THAT bad, the more i want to smile. i can honestly say that my life has never been so hard that i cant laugh. so hard that i cant joke around. so hard that i cant think about anything other than the trial i am facing. i believe that God is in control of everything. Psalm 16:5 says, "The LORD is the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup: thou maintainest my lot." God chooses the trials i go through, and he also knows how i am going to handle them. oh may i never be so bogged down that i cannot smile. for when i cannot smile, my christian joy is smothered by my selfish woes.

April 18, 2006


The following words are from a song called "Why" by Michael Card. As i have reviewed the accounts of Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection, every time i just cringe at the thought of Judas' betrayal of Christ. Yet, He knows everything, and knew that Judas would be betray him and that Peter would deny him. So often, i am in the same state as Peter. When i dont identify myself with believers by being silent in a controversial conversation, or not sharing what God has done for me by pardoning my sin with his blood, i am just as guilty! Oh that i would learn to not be ashamed! He has done so much for me!

Why did it have to be a friend who chose to betray the Lord? and why did he use a kiss to show them, that's not what a kiss is for?
Only a friend can betray a friend, a stranger has nothing to gain - and only a friend comes close enough to ever cause so much pain.
Why did it have to be a thorny crown place upon his head? It should have been a royal one, made of jewels and gold instead.
It had to be a crown of thorns, because in this world that we live, all that would seek to love a thorn is all the world has to give.
Why did it have to be a heavy cross he was made to bear? and why did they nail His feet and hands; His love would have held him there.
It was a cross for on a cross, a thief was supposed to pay - and Jesus had come into the world to steal every heart away.
Yes, Jesus had come into the world to steal every heart away.

April 14, 2006


Things i miss from childhood:
1. Being excited about little things - like riding the carousel if i was good in the grocery store.
2. Playing outside till it was dark.
3. Family dinner.
4. Olly-olly-oxen-FREEEEEE!
5. Sleeping till noon on saturdays.
6. Going to the dump with dad.
7. Being able to wear white socks with frillies on them with my dress shoes.
8. Playing in the sprinkler.
9. Being locked outside the house during the long summer days because we'd mess up dawn's cleaning!
10. Squeezing four children into the back of an Aries k-car and complaining because dawn sat sideways:)
11. Playing outside in the snow for hours on end and not caring that my feet were frozen.
12. Wearing socks on my hands in order to play in the snow because i couldnt find my mittens - and not caring what other people thought!
13. Riding Bikes and not being sore the next day!
14. letting my mom do my hair for me.
15. being carefree - no job, just play. 24/7.
16. begging to mow the grass or do laundry like the big kids.
17. playing "house".
18. Saying things like "lisa wants to know if she can come over..." to my parents.
19. getting the response "go ask your dad". (dad always said "yes":))
20. Cleaning out the shed. I hated it. seemed like such a waste of a saturday...yet i loved when it was clean and saw the fruit of our labor.
21. Building tents. Box fan tents, bunk bed tents, couch tents. you name it. we made it.
22. my clubhouse. dad made it specially for me and bob. boy was that cool. he even put a flower box on it for me.
23. Digging for salamanders.
24. Leaf sledding.
25. "king of the mountain"
26. Being together on Christmas morning.
27. Going thrift shopping with my mom and grandma.
28. Going to work with my dad.
29. Sleeping in my mommy's bed when i was sick.
30. Trying on my mom's shoes and thinking i was so cool.
31. Wearing my daddy's t-shirts:)

What are your favorite memories from childhood?

April 13, 2006

Ministry, Irons, and Summer School

What a beautiful day! Things here in good ol' WTTN have been just dandy! They weather is absolutely georgeous, and school is almost done! Some things I have been thinking about lately...

  1. Possible job opportunity/ministry upon graduation is at The Boylston Home for Girls in Manchester, NH (my home town). This is a christian home that helps girls that have been seperated from their families for one reason or another. The great thing about this opportunity is that I can freely share the Gospel! What a ministry! Check it out here.
  2. I was recently told that i have "too many irons in the fire". This has really made me step back and evaluate my life and shedule. If i am unbalanced - or rather overloaded, i need to either make sure i can handle my responsibilities, or drop something that isnt as high a priority...
  3. Summer school. I am officially staying for summer school. Look out English Masterpieces and Field Botany - here i come!

I guess that is all for now. didnt really have much of a reason to blog, but felt the need to update:)

Have a great week everybody!

Location: New Hampshire, United States