God's Grace in My Life

this is a site where you can learn about random, weird, and crazy things that can happen in a girl's life as well as how God uses all of these things to bring honor and glory to him

May 28, 2008

I will offer up my life...

There is quite the debate in christian circles about CCM. What is considered CCM? Who decided if it is appropriate or not? A friend once said something like this, "Christ-honoring music spans cultures. A non-english speaking christian in Africa should be able to hear an english song and not even understand the lyrics but know if it brings glory to God." Although I think that is a great comment, people in other cultures do not worship the same as we do. (For instance, God-honoring women in the majority of the world cover their head in reverence to God and in respect for their husbands. Since we don't do that are we in sin? That is a whole other topic for another day.) Anyway, I am not going to go into a deep discussion on my blog about music, but I will put the lyrics of one of my favorite songs and leave you with this simple thought: Many "CCM" artists don't look like us or have the same standards. Do I care? Yes. Do I think they are in sin? I am not sure I can say that...but many of their lyrics have much more doctrinal significance than the songs many of us fundamentalists sing in church. P.S. I don't necessarily agree with everything this artist stands for or has written. But I do agree with and love this particular song.

I Will Offer up my Life

I will offer up my life
In spirit and truth,
Pouring out the oil of love
As my worship to You
In surrender I must give my every part;
Lord, receive the sacrifice
Of a broken heart.

Jesus, what can I give, what can I bring
To so faithful a friend, to so loving a King?
Savior, what can be said, what can be sung
As a praise of Your name
For the things You have done?
Oh my words could not tell, not even in part
Of the debt of love that is owed
By this thankful heart.

You deserve my every breath
For You've paid the great cost;
Giving up Your life to death,
Even death on a cross
You took all my shame away,
There defeated my sin
Opened up the gates of heaven
And have beckoned me in.

- Matt Redman


May 21, 2008

The Best Middle Eastern Cuisine

My Uncle, Ghazi Slailati, owns La Pita Express in Lakewood, Ohio. I have had his yummy food several times and just recently he made the news in Cleveland! Go here to see it:)

May 16, 2008

Junior/Senior Banquet

Tonight Amanda and Crystal went to the Junior/Senior Banquet. They have been planning their outfits for over a year. No joke. All the planning paid off, however, because tonight they looked absolutely beautiful! Howie got home from work just in time to give the girls each a corsage. He was a little self-conscious about how he looked, but I told him it made the girls look even more like princesses.

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May 06, 2008

I did it.

For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to have red hair. Perhaps it is because one of my childhood friends had red hair? I have been trying to figure out why I love red hair so much and I honestly have no idea. I decided, however, that I would dye my hair red. I love it. I figured if I didn't love it I could change it back. It's just hair.

Mom says it looks unnatural. One time, Dawn colored her hair red and it was identical to the color of our golden retriever. We called her Abby (the dog's name) until it washed out. I think she was so offended that she cried. HAHAHAHA. sorry. it's not funny.

One study shows that only 2% of the world's natural redhead population live in the United States. The same study shows that 60% of women who dye their hair do so at home, and 50% of those women dye their hair red. There are many myths about redheads. All I know is that I love it. I absolutely love red hair. And now I have joined the elite group of carrot-tops...well, for 28 shampoos anyway!

Bob's Graduation

Last Friday was Bob's graduation. I have no pictures of the actual graduation. I know, I know. I fly all the way there and don't get any pictures of the act of commencement. My camera died. Oh well. Dawn took a bunch. Anyway, I DO have picture of my oh-so-cute nephews to share with the world. Before I show you the pictures, however, I must make mention of my little (well, okay, younger) brother. He has put an enormous amount of effort toward his college career and it shows. He graduated with honors and earned the Founder's Award from Maranatha. Praise the Lord that he is able to point others to Christ through his outstanding work ethic, incredible academics, and genuine love for our Lord. Congrats Robert-Bob-Robby!

Okay, now for some pics:)


Location: New Hampshire, United States