God's Grace in My Life

this is a site where you can learn about random, weird, and crazy things that can happen in a girl's life as well as how God uses all of these things to bring honor and glory to him

March 31, 2006

What a week!

Sorry for the lack of postage. I have been a very busy girl! Spring break went well. I learned tons, spent time at daycare, and time with family:) Wednesday night i got to bond with shannon a little bit. she and i are hopefully going to do a music standards Bible study together this summer. I cant wait!
This week, ive been really sick...fever, earache, sore throat, etc! Then, i started feeling better yesterday, but i woke up this morning with conjunctivitis (AKA pink eye). I feel so much better, but i look horrible! ha! people have been asking my all day if i am "doing okay..." i guess it looks like i have been crying all day. ah well. nothing i can do about it!
Sunday, i had the privelidge to attend Cleveland Baptist Church. Pastor Folger preached on Romans 12:1-2... he pointed out a word in verse one that i had never really given much thought to: "reasonable". It is only reasonable that we present our bodies a living sacrifice...God is not asking anything outrageous of us - why do we act like it is a big deal? He also touched on the subject of not being conformed to the world. why is it that we try so hard to please the Lord, but at the same time we try to fit God's will into our desires...take music for instance. why is it so controversial for christians to listen to "christian rock"? well, according to this verse, we are conforming what is sacred and holy to be more like the world...WHY??? any thoughts?

March 20, 2006

home at last!

It is wonderful to be home. we arrived on saturday afternoon - after a 22 hour trip from WI. wooo hooo! sunday was great, i was able to see my church family and spend some time with my dad and martha:)
all this week i am working at the daycare. boy do i love those kids! some of them are in rough home situations right now and it just breaks my heart to see them suffer. i just show them all the love i possibly can; they have such young minds and tender hearts!
my church is making such positive changes right now. they are updating the website, investing in the church's appearance and demonstrating wise stewardship. i love being here. i love my church. i love my family. i love daycare. and i love NH!

March 17, 2006

you are as close to God as you want to be.

This week has been amazing. Simply amazing. For the past five spring semesters, Maranatha has presented The Conference on Baptist Fundamentalism. I learned much last year, and even more this year. Last year, the conference was on dispensationalism. I must say that the word itself sounds very daunting. "Dispensasha...what?!" However, I learned last year about the flaws of covenant theology, the reason for dispensationalism, and more about why i am a fundamental baptist. this year, the theme was sanctification. When i heard the theme a couple of weeks ago, my mind spinned into high speed. "i know i should know this...hmm...okay. Think back to doctrine class...what is the technical meaning..." Now, sanctification isn't a word i hear everyday, but it is a topic that is talked about is every Bible class i have been in, and in many sermons. it seems that we get away from "the big words" and try to water it down. No watering down neccessary folks. i want the real stuff!
i must admit, i wasnt exactly looking forward to the conference. last year, i did learn tons, but there was still so much that i didnt understand that the whole thing was a little intimidating. of course, i had that fear again this year...what if it's way over my head? when that happens all i do is sit there in the hard metal chairs and wonder "why dont i get this?!"
anyway, back to the topic at hand. perhaps the most impacting session i attended was Mr. Hockman's on James 3:13-4:10. He talked about being double-minded, a hypocrite. he also talked about something that hit me like a brick wall. he drew a 3 inch line on the board and said "this is your life. 70 years." then he drew a line that went the length of the rest of the board and said, "this is eternity". He then went on to ask how hard it could be to live for Christ just for that short time we are on earth. so often i find ways to excuse my sin. there is no excuse. he also talked about how the things of this world are earthly, sensual, devilish. he said that this pictures a progression - a slippery slope downward and away from God. first, something i enjoy may not be wrong, but may be above God (earthly). the next step down is wickedness followed by devilish. sin is never positive, and as i seek sanctification in my daily life, if i am not getting close to God, i am CHOOSING to go AWAY from him. Since man has a choice, a free will, i can do what i want...therefore, i am as close to God as i want to be...and so are you.


Location: New Hampshire, United States