God's Grace in My Life

this is a site where you can learn about random, weird, and crazy things that can happen in a girl's life as well as how God uses all of these things to bring honor and glory to him

April 25, 2006


Pranks. They are so fun - usually harmless.
Below are some "house" pranks - leave a comment if you know of any other good ones!
1. Toilet-papering (it's a classic!)
2. Newspapering (great for cars!)
3. Forking. (where you put tons of plastic forks into someones lawn)
4. Tree-ing (where you pile used Christmas trees into a person's lawn)
5. Trash collecting. (on big trash day you collect from one neighbor and put all the good stuff on another person's curb...rearrange in a funny fashion...see how high you can get it stacked!)
6. Egging.
7. Selling a person's house.

Any other good ones? I can honestly say that i have never done any of these. i am not sure that i ever would. i think that pranks are a form of affection. for instance, if i were the pranker, i would make sure that i picked someone that was light-hearted enough to handle it. someone that i knew would smile and go on his way. HARMLESS pranks are fun, but must be in moderation:)


At 5:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Definitely a whole lot of fun! :) I agree! Next time I plan on pranking I'll be sure to invite you! :) Love you!

At 6:29 PM, Blogger Jennifer said...

hmm...did you ever hear about the mrs. gould video? probably the best prank i've ever pulled. (well, actually, maybe ben larson's april fool's joke was the best...i dont know!)

At 11:53 AM, Blogger Jim and Angel said...

Pranking people is wrong. I would never do it or be a part of it...If you believe that your kidding yourself. There is nothing like a good prank, as long as nobody gets hurt and property is not DAMAGED. Like clear wrap over a toilet seat...good fun. Toilet papering a diffent teachers house after a game...every game...

At 10:32 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Okay...egging is BAD!!!!!

I pulled a good April fools joke on a guy in college once....I'll have to tell you about it sometime.:)...don't want to blog it for obvious reasons (like, you go to school where I did!)

At 9:58 PM, Blogger Katiebug said...

Ok, so I'll never forget the cool pranks we pulled on your sister and Stephanie when they stayed at our house. It was great!!!

At 10:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forget clear wrap over the toilet, clear wrap over the entire car was great, just ask my youth leaders from high school!!! Hope none of my teens never see this!

At 11:08 AM, Blogger Noah said...

My high school marching band had some good pranks. On the last night of band camp my Senior year, we wrapped our instructors cars, joining them together, wrapped the the porch in front of their cabin so it was impossible for them to get out without a good knife, and then wraped the drum major's podium (she was involved in this) to the scaffolding used to overlook the practice field, as well as the scaffolding. As I recall, I believe one of the guys brought two boxes of 1,000 sq. ft. plastic wrap, and 4 packs of 48 roles of T.P. Other than the porch (plastic only), everything involved both products and a fog horn to let everyone in the marching band know were out and about at 2 in the morning. Too bad we had to clean it up.... :-)

Pranks pulled on me:
pennies in everything that could hold them (socks, pillow case, sheets, shirts and pants pockets, etc.)

we won't discuss the hotdogs (this could almost be used as an argument for moving off campus, it was that bad lol)

plastic wrapping...just about every item I own

Friend's refrigerator removed (I was borrowing it and he randomly decided he wanted it back) and replaced with a black markered cardboard box to resemble "The Maytag Icebox"; especially funny.

At 3:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.

At 3:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.


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