God's Grace in My Life

this is a site where you can learn about random, weird, and crazy things that can happen in a girl's life as well as how God uses all of these things to bring honor and glory to him

April 13, 2006

Ministry, Irons, and Summer School

What a beautiful day! Things here in good ol' WTTN have been just dandy! They weather is absolutely georgeous, and school is almost done! Some things I have been thinking about lately...

  1. Possible job opportunity/ministry upon graduation is at The Boylston Home for Girls in Manchester, NH (my home town). This is a christian home that helps girls that have been seperated from their families for one reason or another. The great thing about this opportunity is that I can freely share the Gospel! What a ministry! Check it out here.
  2. I was recently told that i have "too many irons in the fire". This has really made me step back and evaluate my life and shedule. If i am unbalanced - or rather overloaded, i need to either make sure i can handle my responsibilities, or drop something that isnt as high a priority...
  3. Summer school. I am officially staying for summer school. Look out English Masterpieces and Field Botany - here i come!

I guess that is all for now. didnt really have much of a reason to blog, but felt the need to update:)

Have a great week everybody!


At 12:38 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

'bout time, blogger slacker! Can't wait to see you!

At 12:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a former staff of Boylston Home, and BH is not quite a Christian ministry like the webpage says, that is due to the leadership of WCTU. My advice for you is to do some research on WCTU and Boylston Home(there are many former staffs have blogs and all have gone through much difficulties with the leadership).

Good luck


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