Pranks. They are so fun - usually harmless.
Below are some "house" pranks - leave a comment if you know of any other good ones!
1. Toilet-papering (it's a classic!)
2. Newspapering (great for cars!)
3. Forking. (where you put tons of plastic forks into someones lawn)
4. Tree-ing (where you pile used Christmas trees into a person's lawn)
5. Trash collecting. (on big trash day you collect from one neighbor and put all the good stuff on another person's curb...rearrange in a funny fashion...see how high you can get it stacked!)
6. Egging.
7. Selling a person's house.
Any other good ones? I can honestly say that i have never done any of these. i am not sure that i ever would. i think that pranks are a form of affection. for instance, if i were the pranker, i would make sure that i picked someone that was light-hearted enough to handle it. someone that i knew would smile and go on his way. HARMLESS pranks are fun, but must be in moderation:)