What a week!
Sorry for the lack of postage. I have been a very busy girl! Spring break went well. I learned tons, spent time at daycare, and time with family:) Wednesday night i got to bond with shannon a little bit. she and i are hopefully going to do a music standards Bible study together this summer. I cant wait!
This week, ive been really sick...fever, earache, sore throat, etc! Then, i started feeling better yesterday, but i woke up this morning with conjunctivitis (AKA pink eye). I feel so much better, but i look horrible! ha! people have been asking my all day if i am "doing okay..." i guess it looks like i have been crying all day. ah well. nothing i can do about it!
Sunday, i had the privelidge to attend Cleveland Baptist Church. Pastor Folger preached on Romans 12:1-2... he pointed out a word in verse one that i had never really given much thought to: "reasonable". It is only reasonable that we present our bodies a living sacrifice...God is not asking anything outrageous of us - why do we act like it is a big deal? He also touched on the subject of not being conformed to the world. why is it that we try so hard to please the Lord, but at the same time we try to fit God's will into our desires...take music for instance. why is it so controversial for christians to listen to "christian rock"? well, according to this verse, we are conforming what is sacred and holy to be more like the world...WHY??? any thoughts?
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