God's Grace in My Life

this is a site where you can learn about random, weird, and crazy things that can happen in a girl's life as well as how God uses all of these things to bring honor and glory to him

August 28, 2006

Praise the LORD!

Blessing of the day!
In my years of school i have never had my complete downpayment. ever. i usually get sent back and forth from business office to financial aid office.
Today, I had 95 cents more than my complete downpayment!
God is good!
Thank you for all of your prayers!
Psalm 68:19
Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah.

August 16, 2006


Goals for Fall Semester 2006

1. Have my school bill (or even my downpayment) paid. (if you would like to contribute, you can call 920-261-9300...you can click here for a list of expenses!)

2. Pass my classes!

3. Be diligent and faithful in my Bible reading and be in a constant attitude of prayer!

4. Find a roommate.

5. Figure out what i am going to do when i finish in december.

6. Keep a balanced work schedule so i dont overbook myself :)

7. Get in a habit of getting up at 5:30.

8. Have my car make it through the end of the semester.

9. Not be afraid of guys anymore.

10. i cant think of anything to put here.

Please pray for these goals! I need all the prayer i can get!

Location: New Hampshire, United States