God's Grace in My Life

this is a site where you can learn about random, weird, and crazy things that can happen in a girl's life as well as how God uses all of these things to bring honor and glory to him

July 08, 2006

Independence Day!

Sometimes...things dont go as planned!
For Independence Day, Lisa, Shannon, Aaron, and I all went to Boston. It was tons of fun, and i think my dork of the day story is summed up in the following picture! We brought a cooler on wheels (definitly a great invention!), however, we did not expect it to be so difficult to get the cooler through the exit thing at the T. thankfully, no one saw us trying to manuever the cooler through there. this is one of the few times where i didnt have a back-up plan if we couldnt get it in there...i mean, what do people in wheelchairs do?

Notice our coloring in the following pictures...as shannon would say, "we were wearing like 700 spf!" hahaha. i guess it didnt work very well!

The rest of the evening went well! Aaron showed up in the afternoon, then we watched fireworks! So fun!

What a delightful end to a great day!


At 12:08 AM, Blogger Katiebug said...

Hi- Thanks for your phone call. It was a real blessing. I've been working tons, about 70 hours this week, so that has been a good help and distraction for me. I miss you Jen. Please call sometime again. I couldn't call you tongith because I had to work all night and I didn't want to call too late. I get off work at 8 tomorrow. Love you tons!!! Katie

At 12:08 AM, Blogger Katiebug said...

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At 4:23 PM, Blogger Robert Shaffer said...

i'm glad you had a blessed time in bosten

At 12:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

your dork of the day story totally made me laugh out loud while I was all alone in my classroom! P.S. I have something to send you. You will LOVE it!


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