God's Grace in My Life

this is a site where you can learn about random, weird, and crazy things that can happen in a girl's life as well as how God uses all of these things to bring honor and glory to him

January 08, 2006

Cold feet. i hate cold feet. as a matter of fact, when my feet are cold i have a hard time thinking of anything else...i even think that i end my sentences with..."my feet are soooo cold!"
so today my feet were freezing. i was trying to take a nap this afternoon, and nothing i did kept my feet warm. i followed all the proper "cold-feet" precautions: socks? check. extra blanket on my feet? check. dog laying on the blankets on my feet? check. i dont know what i was missing! eventually my feet were warmed by the wonderful vents in the car, but up until then i thought they were gonna fall off - praise the Lord for heaters!:)
speaking of cold feet, why do they call it "cold feet" when a person has second-thoughts or is nervous about a wedding? anybody know?


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