God's Grace in My Life

this is a site where you can learn about random, weird, and crazy things that can happen in a girl's life as well as how God uses all of these things to bring honor and glory to him

December 14, 2005

Finally home!

YEAH! Words cannot express the feeling i had when i landed at manchester airport this evening, but im gonna try.
i felt like a little kid on Christmas morning waiting for the clock to jump hours ahead in time so that it would be late enough for me to wake my parents up in order to celebrate.
i felt nervous. i dont know why, but i was a little shakey.
i was grinning from ear to ear. i could not wait to see my family. i love them some much!
i was eager to get to church. i missed all my church friends soooo much! especially susie, pastor, mrs. fuller, aaron, and shannon.
and finally i was excited to see my dogs:) poor abby's health is going down-hill fast. you would never know it, she seems to be in good spirits, but i know. it's almost like she tries to hide it, but we all can see that she is not in the best condition.

so i guess what i am trying to say is that i have never been more excited to come home in my entire life. being here just makes me smile. i love it.

as much as i love it, i am going to call it a night. i begin work at the daycare tomorrow. i cant wait to see all my little buddies (and of course mamachette and pam too! they are the best co-workers anyone could ever ask for and i love them to death!)



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